US Hist: Reconstruction Key Terms

Reconstruction Key Terms


1.  Civil War

2.  Reconstruction

3.  Military Occupation

4.  Carpet Bagger

5.  Scalawag

6.  Freedman

7.  Freedman’s Bureau

8.  13th Amendment

9.  14th Amendment

10.  15th Amendment

11.  Involuntary Servitude

12.  Due Process

13.  Suffrage

14.  Redeemers

15.  Compromise of 1877

16.  Solid South

17.  Sharecropping

18.  Poverty

19.  Jim Crow

20.  De Jure Segregation

21.  De Facto Segregation

22.  Plessy v. Ferguson 1896

23.  Separate but Equal

24.  Brown v. Board of Education 1954

25.  Booker T. Washington

26.  WEB DuBois