US Hist: Industrialization Vocabulary

Industrialization Vocabulary

1.  Industrial Revolution

2.  Industrialization

3.  Mass Production

4.  Raw Materials

5.  Urbanization

6.  Tenements

7.  Progress and Poverty

8.  Gilded Age

9.  James Watt

10.  Henry Bessemer

11.  Thomas Edison

12.  Samuel Mores

13.  Eli Whitney

14.  Laissez Faire

15.  Capitalism

16.  Free Enterprise

17.  Capital

18.  Entrepreneur

19.  The Jungle/Upton Sinclair

20.  Meat Inspection Act 1906

21.  Pure Food and Drug Act

22.  Theodore Roosevelt

23.  Monopoly

24.  Vertical Integration

25.  Horizontal Integration

26.  Sherman Anti-Trust Act

27.  Clayton Anti-Trust Act

28.  Social Darwinism

29.  Gospel of Wealth

30.  Andrew Carnegie

31.  John D. Rockefeller

32.  Cornelius Vanderbilt

33.  John P. Morgan

34.  Labor Unions

35.  American Federation of Labor

36.  Samuel Gompers

37.  Knights of Labor

38.  Blacklist

39.  Yellow Dog Contract

40.  Strikebreakers

41.  Collective Bargaining

42.  Injunction

43.  Open Shop

44.  Closed Shop

45.  Mary Harris (Mother Jones)

46.  Haymarket Riot

47.  Great Railroad Strike of 1877

48.  Homestead Strike

49.  Pullman Strike

50.  Xenophobia

51.  Chinese Exclusion Act

52.  Rural

53.  Urban

54.  Vaudeville Show