Age of Reforms (Progressive Era) Vocabulary

Age of Reforms (Progressive Era) Vocabulary


1.  Reforms

2.  Gilded Age

3.  Credit Mobilier Scandal

4.  President U.S. Grant

5.  The Whiskey Ring

6.  Political Machines

7.  Tammany Hall

8.  Boss Tweed

9.  Spoils System

10.  Pendleton Civil Service Act

11.  President James Garfield’s assassination

12.  Merit System

13.  Settlement House Movement

14.  Jane Addams

15.  Hull House

16.  Florence Kelly

17.  Frances Willard

18.  Ida B. Wells

19.  Women’s Christian Temperance Union

20.  Carry Nation

21.  18th Amendment

22.  Prohibition

23.  Populists

24.  Grangers

25.  Bonanza Farms

26.  Greenbacks

27.  Inflation

28.  Free Silver

29.  Cross of Gold

30.  Sherman Silver Purchase Act

31.  The Progressive Era

32.  Muckrakers

33.  Mugwump

34.  The Jungle

35.  Ida Tarbell

36.  Frank Norris

37.  Jacob Riis

38.  Lincoln Steffens

39.  Theodore Dreiser

40.  Social Gospel, Walter Rauschenbusch

41.  City Commissioner

42.  City Manager

43.  Direct primary

44.  Seventeenth Amendment

45.  Secret Ballot

46.  Initiative

47.  Referendum

48.  Recall

49.  Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

50.  Newlands Reclamation Act  1902

51.  Pure Food and Drug Act (1906/1911)

52.  Meat Inspection Act (1906)

53.  Federal Reserve Act (1913)

54.  16th Amendment

55.  17th Amendment

56.  18th Amendment

57.  19th Amendment

58.  Hepburn Act

59.  Muller v. Oregon

60.  Women’s Suffrage

61.  Bully Pulpit

62.  Conservation

63.  Trustbusting

64.  Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal

65.  Bull Moose Party

66.  Tariff

67.  Underwood Tariff

68.  Federal Reserve Act